The importance of a guru was amply underscored by Sant Tulsi Das who said “Guru bina gyan na hot gosain.” This is all the more relevant today because in our fast-paced lives, we do not accord so much importance to those things which should have otherwise got prime attention.
In ancient times, yogis and rishis, in their exploration of the world beyond the five senses, practiced and followed many kriyas and gave account of their experiences in many voluminous works called the vedas and the puranas.
Yah Dharati sah dharmah.. became the mool mantra of their living and their preaching.
In this era, science may have progressed phenomenally and broken many barriers of space and time but there are certain things that are way beyond the reach of science. However, they are pervasive and pronounced in their manifestation and touch us tangibly. The effect of yoga, for instance.
Of course, yoga teaching has become a fad these days as yogis and gurus have sprung up like mushrooms in every nook and corner of the world. These teachers have done innovation on the original techniques and are mostly selling them.
It is in this context that yoga guru, Yogi Ashwini comes across as someone extraordinary, firstly, because he is not selling yoga and, secondly, because the he has not diluted the ancient techniques in any way. Both these factors also perhaps explain the efficacy of the technique. The result is, life-changing miracles.
The miracles have been narrated in a book released last month, Sanatan Kriya:51 Miracles….and a haunting which is basically an account of the power of yoga and the importance of the guru in harnessing this power. Yoga, indeed, is a precise and powerful science but it is only the guru through whom this power flows.
As the forward says, “In a world that has learnt to reward skepticism and accept pessimism, this book gives reasons for hope and gently, but firmly, pushes us awake from our sleep to a world of magic possibilities that had existed all around us and yet, until nudge awake, we had slept through our lives, oblivious to its divine and enchanted existence. This book is a wake up call…..”
Most of the religions do affirm that faith moves mountains. And the tale of 51 miracles as explained in this book reinforces the belief that miracles do happen if one hold on to the guru.
Each of these 51 people recount with names, pictures and medical certificates, in their own way how Yogi Ashwini and Sanatan kriya touched and transformed their lives when they least expected. It was by the sheer magic and guidance of the guru that darkness fled from their lives and light became a friend.
The illustration of miseries of these 51 people, who overcame incredible odds to accomplish what nobody thought was possible, is a great source of encouragement and enlightenment to the readers. They did what seemed impossible because they never gave up hoping and believing in their guru, and they never gave up doing what the guru asked of them.
The book reinforces the power of yoga, the importance of the guru and the infallibility of the time-tested divine laws.
गुरुवार, 18 फ़रवरी 2010
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